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Or even 3 million PSPs?


From July 20th

"Sony told those attending the video game industry’s E3 convention last week that sales of its original PlayStation, launched in 1994, had reached 102m units and the PlayStation 2 console had now passed 140m worldwide in its ninth year on sale."


From August 20th

"8:07 a.m. -- PSP is discussed. And it's importance to the PAL territories. PSP and its software library have been a huge success here. 41 million worldwide install base. Wicked!."


VGChartz numbers:

Week ending July 25th - PS2 = 120,256,384

Week ending August 22nd - PSP = 37,692,411


Before anyone says it, I KNOW it's shipped numbers that Sony uses and vgchartz uses sold to consumers

You might also try to say Sony is rounding up to 140 million from 130,000,001 million or to 41 million from 40,000,001 million; and even if that were the case, I think there's usually at the most about 1 million consoles out there at warehouses and store shelves at any given point, 2 million is pushing it, 3 million is unlikely, 10+million extremely doubtful.

