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Talk about selective reading. It seems only 2 or 3 people understood what I was trying to say. This is not about the Wii or the HD consoles, it is about Capcom. I DON`T HATE Capcom. I am disappointed with them. Just like a relationship that have seem its prime and went downhill, it is time to move on.Kinda sad everyone is pleased with mediocrity.

Capcom`s HD offerings are pretty shitty. Really, I would take their GameBoy Color games over the games they made or will make for the HD consoles. Only the N64 and the Xbox had worst Capcom libraries. As long as Capcom make shiny games and the Wii doesn`t get them it is ok, right? DMC 4 is the worst in the series (unless you consider DMC 2 part of the series), Lost Planet is awful and Dead Rising is just ok (not amazing).

The Nintendo fanboy faction is even worse. It is like begging for scraps. Just keep buying those "tests" and I bet you will get a Street Fighter 4 version with a "improved" Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble engine. You guys go by the motto: all support is good support. Zack and Wiki and RE UC are good filler games, just like Megaman Zero and Shadow of Rome. However that is not what I expect from Capcom. Even the Dreamcast had enough Capcom games to be pleased. Being excited about Tatsunoko vs Capcom or Spyborgs (not even developed by them) is pathetic.

I miss the old Capcom. The one that made under rated gems like Goofy Troop, Aladdin, Clock Tower, Haunting Grounds, Viewtiful Joe. I also miss the Capcom that made generation defining games like Street Fighter 2, Resident Evil 2 and 4, Devil may Cry, Onimusha, Final Fight.

I want Capcom to do well, no hard feelings. The problem is that their games are not setting a new level of quality like they used to.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."