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I play a lot of games... HEAPS and own all consoles. I gotta say the best over all controller has to be the new duel shock 3 for it's perfect wait, responce, feel, buttons, smoothness of sticks, build and is well suited for all games! It is different to the crappy sixaxis and is king IMHO. It is obvious why they have used it for 3 generations.

Followed by the Wii mote [which is not a perfect motion controller and is a little too basic, which is fine, cause Wii games are basic]. i still prefer the Wave Bird for normal Wii games

And, comming in last, the 360's, [it has way too many things that don't work well and is built so god damn cheap]. The 360's buttons are too hard, small and high. It's sticks are too stiff. It's finger channels on the bottom give me cramps, it is way too heavy and feels cheap over all. try playin' anything other than a shooter with it and it FAILS!

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.

TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD