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My personaly Favorite is Episode IV.

As far as which is best, I think most do consider Episode V. Mostly because of the unique ending.

I like Randal 'Clerks' comment "blashpemy" on that subject.

It's a tough one to call. Return of the Jedi was great, I liked the whole endor thing, but I dunno, Another Death Star, that kinda lessened it for me.

I would think that the first movie (fourth episode) = my favorite, would be the best because it had a huge impact on the public, i.e. it broke the most ground and the effects and everything were new. Not to discredit 5ths storyline or anything but I mean look at the overall viewerships impressions of Matrix. It was the first one that blew everyone away. (*NOTE I'm not getting into the difference in story and all that, not a comparrison). My point is I think A NEW HOPE would be be considered more acclaimed because of it's novelty and breakthrough for the time.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself