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Hawkeye said:
360 controller i sby far the best. Perfect shape, perfect size for primary target audience (15-35 year old male). Great look and feel as well. Only problem is it doesn't come with rechargeable batteries, and the D pad gets a D+... but luckily isn't used a whole lot.


^ QFT. I havnt had along time played the 360, but the controller felt good with good grip to hold it easily. D pad is yea "downside" but it has plenty of buttons to get used to.

But my pick is the Wiimote, very ez to learn and ez to use.

Hanve played the ps3 controller, but i do feel that sony needs to step-forward and introduce a new controller bcus the simple fact is next-gen, it will be powerful and a old controller cant fit in well.



Above I'm a proud Gran Turismo fan, not a Sony fanboy, and now a proud 360 owner, but sharing xbox live accts ATM

End of 2009 Predictions (made Jan 1, 2009): My predictions were pretty accurate, the 360 was over and the Wii was just under.

Wii: 65 mil (yea I'm crazy) 360: 35 mil (its getting there) PS3: 30 mil (the slim better do well)

End of 2010 Predictions (made Jan 7, 2010):

Wii: 81 mil  360: 47 mil PS3: 45 mil