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So I was thinking about an old saying that many have heard--Microsoft has over 12 million+ XBL gamers.  That said I posed a question to myself.  The question is as follows: "What percentage of XBL users based on installed units of XB+X360 does MSFT really have?"

The Xbox had an installed base of over 24.1 million and the 360 has over 20.53 million. Based on these estimates from VGC and the press release of MSFT's claim of over 12 million XBL subscribers I can tabulate by 12 million/million that MSFT has only 26.83 percent of its gamers online.

This explains to a lesser extent why they are desparate for casuals and I cannot forsee anything above a 50% XBL userbase per installed XB+X360 consoles until XBL is free. 


Your thoughts on my reckoning?

