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360: My personal favourite. Very ergonomically made with perfect placements of analog sticks. It is also VERY cheaply made, analog sticks become lose, triggers and buttons stick, clicking left analog stick doesn't work (all happened to me). BUT keep in mind, that this controller suits most types of games. Perfect size, shape, and feel. Great on the hands, nice weight to it, Triggers and bumpers are perfect. D-pad blows hard.
Not rechargable (sucks) but the Pros beat the Cons, IMO.

PS3: Overall good controller. Rechargable is a plus. Do not like the analog stick placements! Swap the left analog stick for the D-pad, and the button layout is fine. R2 and L2 are whack as hell! Analog stick tips are convex instead of concave (360) which results in more slippage and less control, especially when the stick is to one side. Not comfortable on the palms since it is not even rounded out like the 360. The controller design is 10+ years old. Sony needs a new controller by next-gen.

Wii: Not really the "traditional" controller. It would be hard to compete with the other two. But according to what it does, it does it very well.