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Last night I received a call that my sister had died. She had collapsed into convulsions and by the time the parmedics arrived she was alread gone. My 9yr old neice was unfortunately the only one there and had to witness this by herself.

I will be traveling with my family to California tomorrow for the week. This horrific event that has caused me so many tears over the last 15hrs was made a little better when I read through the replies on my joke prediction thread. Funny some of you are .

While I did not live under the same roof as my sister because she was born prematurely and my parents could not afford the specialists she needed over her young life, I still was greatly attached to her and 31 is just way too young to die. She had mental and physical disabilities that prevented her from ever driving and caused her a lot of issues in everyday life. However, she still graduated from high school, had a beautiful daughter, was undertaking a college education, held a fulltime job, lived in her own apartment without wellfare, and was a genuinely great human being. I will surely miss her...

As I tear up again while writing this I am glad I am part of this community where I can express my sadness.

I will see you all again after a week or so.

RIP SuperChunk's sister. April 15, 1977 - September 11, 2008.