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I like them all and find it hard to really pick a favourite. But I have my complaints about all of them as well

PS3: The shoulder buttons are terrible and the left analogue feels somewhat misplaced after playing with the 360 controller (although it's a minor thing for me)

360: The damn start button is too close to the 'X' button. My clumsy thumbs always end up pausing a game. The D-pad is really bad - for fighters especially, RPG's to a lesser extent and maybe SRPG's but I haven't played any on the 360/PC.

Wii: Very comfortable, but can be extremely ackward for some games. I hate using items in MK:Wii using the Wiimote. Can also grow a bit bothersome for some games with poor implementation. Should become much less an issue with motion+

I'm more accustomed to the PS3 controller, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's the best. I must say though that the 360 controller is growing on me since I bought one for the PC.
360 it is.