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Soma said:
Gamerace said:

My son is musically gifted.  I assure you he could quickly master any and all instruments on Wii Music figure out that A is Do, B is Re, 1 is So, etc and be able to freestyle Twinkle Twinkle perfectly within minutes. So Wii Music is perfect for him right?! Wrong.  He's already self-taught himself real guitar, keyboard and learning to play orcarina (yes, he is a Zelda fan... why do you ask?).  Do you honestly think playing with the extremely crude and limited scope of Wii Music would appeal to him?  It lacks the necessary depth to keep him engaged, nor can he record music with it, compose or any such thing.

Maybe musical instruction, rhythm play, progression and more depth are there but if so why havn't they been shown?  With any of that, Wii Music will be too shallow for any but the youngest of minds.



Just like Mario Paint, you didn't had any instruction in what to do, you were free to do whatever you want. And like Mario Paint, it will only appeal to some people. The bolded part is my only concern about the game, is it confirmed you can play Do, Re, Mi, etc ? If not, then I agree it will be too shallow.

My assumption is that's the most basic thing it could possibly be.  If you can't even play a scale then what the hell can you do?  But no, I can't say I've actually seen even that confirmed.