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Jo21 said:
vaio said:


 A better and more diverse gaming experience for all gamers not just us in the traditional way of gaming.

not for the wii sadly.

one of the promises nintendo make was to get third parties make more mature games.

the thing is third party choose HD over the wii (quite understandable after e3 i feel embarassed of owning a wii and telling people more mature games would come).

this christmas i say suck it and bought a ps3, since brawl hype was over i havent turned on my wii and won't play with it much for a while.


if wii music its their big title for christmas they can stick it where it fit, i am going to play resistance 2 in co op.


Sorry but you will be proven dead wrong.

The third parties are on it now and it shows in the line up for upcoming wii titles we have thread about that filled with info if you are interested wich I assume you are not as you only bash the Wii every chance you get.

If you have a wii and played it I have a feeling that Brawl is most likely the only thing you gave an honest chance if you did that.

I don´t even think you own a wii and not even sat your self down for a proper palythrough with one to form an honest oppionion and not one based on your preferences.

Wii music is not their big title for this christmas but it´s one of them and god forbid they release a big title of a game you have no interest in and god forbid others have an interest in it. Disaster day of crisis is another big title coming and more then a few thirdparties release great games like De blob or the SW games.

You r concerns for third party is a non issue as the Wii continues to outsell both had combined and by this time next year IF the HD consoles doesn´t improve their sales compared to the Wii we will see Wii being the head console wich most games will come to from most developers around.

Go ahead and enjoy your gaming with resistance I am not like you instead I am the opposite and I wish you have a great time playing that game but for me even though I enjoy thoose games and they are my favorite genre I still have done it to death the past 10+ years and even though I want them around I don´t conceed the opportunity to experience other genre´s and let my favorite genre step out of the limelight for a while.


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