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@yushire - Pinball didn't disappear the instant Pong came about it was still strong for a long time after that and you can still play pinball games even today. In the same way the games you like won't just disappear. They will become a smaller part of a much bigger picture as newer types of experience come in to being.

I don't think Wii alone is leading the charge. I think the way the industry is going is away from graphics for the sake of pretty graphics and towards video entertainment that is more interactive. In that respect Guitar Hero and Rock Band are as guilty as Wii for progressing the industry in that direction.

But yes, in this transistion time it will mostly be Wii (like Pong) until someone comes out with the next step (I'm still predicting it'll be someone new to the market - probably Apple) towards interactive entertainment. Next gen will usher in a broad range of various attempts at capitalizing on that and the following generation will probably see the best of all of the preceeding generations attempts combined and enhanced to the pinacle of interactive entertainment. At which point something new will be due to distrub the market again.