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FishyJoe said:
mrstickball said:
It won't outsell Guitar Hero. But since it's a name brand now, it'll put up a huge fight. It'll be close - Rock Band is very well known where I live, and it'll amass a large bit of sales before GH4 launches.

Not only that, but GH fans are going to have to buy the drums and everything else this time around. It may hurt the game in the end vs. the fact that Rock Band already has a sizable userbase that owns the instruments already.


That didn't really prevent GHIII Wii from selling almost as much as the 360, even though every GHIII Wii was purchased with a guitar. And the install base of the Wii is much larger this year.

This is true but you could also argue that the release of Rock Band 1 on the 360/PS3 directly competed with sales of GHIII.  Having to shell out $179 (half the price of the system itself) for a game in the same genre as another has to have some effect.

EDIT: Didn't seen mrstickball post pretty much the same thing as me so I will add that with all things said I think that GH:WT will outsell RB2.  If RB2 has any chance of keeping it close I think it will be on the X360 for a few reasons.  Mainly being the earlier release date, largest userbase of RB1, and no history of incompatible instruments ala PS3.



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