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TWRoO said:
BKK2 said:
TWRoO said:
BKK2 said:
Pretty big news. Incidentally, the first "Top Global Markets Report" for the month of August should be releasing any day now, but I don't know if any data will be made public. There's a partially censored sample with July data here (PDF).

I might be wrong... but it looks to me like GTAIV total number is 3,794,873

which confuses me as it is obviously not a global figure.... even taking into account that it says April 2008... the game sold way more than that in it's first 2 days (both in April)


Yeah, you're wrong because they released the "Global" (actually just JP/UK/US) Top 5 YTD chart through July when they made the announcement and it was at 6,293,000.


I'm not wrong.... look at the numbers... the breakdown above the total shows a number in the 2 millions for 360 (looks like 2.2) and a number in the 1 millions for PS3 (looks lke 1.3).... then the two special editions are not even at 1 million.

The PDF you gave seems to show GTAIV numbers up to the end of April.... for USA+UK+Japan (none there anyway though) not the end of July.


The GTA number on the PDF is just NPD.. numbers from europe will have "(euro)" next to the title of the game and "(japan)" for japanese numbers.


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