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Godot said:
elnino334 said:
FishyJoe said:
No. From everything I've seen RB2 is not a huge improvement over RB1. Combine that with the fact they released RB1 on the Wii just a few months ago and are still gimping it.

GH:WT has better drums, better guitar, midi support, user created music and pretty much has all the features for the Wii.

You might be right on the Wii side and overall it may not outsell GH but with the 360 version coming out next week I am confident RB can outsell GH on the 360.  Only thing I see from GH is the created music as a plus and possibly the instruments though we have to wait and see since it is their first drums and mic's.  Also besides adding support for those new instruments is not like GH is reinventing the wheel as well.  RB was the first to allow multiple instruments so I think that will also help it as GH is actually playing catch up this time around.  RB now has a following thugh not as big as GH it will keep it competetive.  Again sorry that the Wii version may suck but what you expect from a system not embracing downloadables and is running on weaker hardware.  I would hope the 360/ps3 version would have more!!!  Reminds me of those ps2/360 where the 360 version just had better graphicswhen it could have had more in my opinion.


What the hell does the Wii hardware has anything to do with... anything? It's not like Rockband or Guitar Hero are really different on 360 than PS2...


If you meant to say PS3 please disreguard my post...but if you really meant ps2...

You underestimate the value of online play. id say over 30% of sales for these games are made based on which game has better online and which console has more friends they could play with.