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1. I would pick up a Waivebird (GC:controller).

2. Wiiplay (game) for the free Wiimote.

3. A Nunchuck so that you would have and extra set for any guests that come over.

4. Also a 1 Gig SD card. You don't need the official Wii one. Just pick up a SD card at OfficeMax or a camera store.

Accessory wise that's all I would get at the bare minimum.

5. As far as a router goes.  I just use my AT&T U-verse router that came with my broadband connection.  I think it is a 2wire running 802.11-N, any should work though.

Consoles: Atari 5200, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3