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I will be purchasing a Wii in the next couple of weeks but I have a few questions about what I should buy with it.

- Gamecube controllers & memory cards

There are only a few GC games I want to play (MP, MP2, WW) and I probably won't get SSBB.  So I don't want to spend too much.  I've seen a Madcatz starter kit for $20 (new) at a local store, but being 3rd party is a minor turnoff (returned 2 3rd party wireless PS2 controllers before getting a Logitech controller which I'm happy with).  Buying a Wavebird on eBay is an option but seems expensive for a used controller.  Is the Madcatz controller & memory card good enough?

Wireless Router

- Any suggestions on a decent cheap router?  I currently don't have a laptop so a 802.11g router would do.  A 802.11n router would be nice, but I don't want to pay for a unused feature that I will be able to get cheaper and (hopefully) better quality in the future.  It will also need to have at least 2 wired ports (10/100 is fine).