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I just wanted to add for clarity.

Preemption in the Bush Doctrine isn't necessarily using military force for any case it's specifically for terrorist or state sponsors of terrorism with the capacity and intention to use WMDs. However, diplomatic channels are used (see: Iran).

The question is loaded, though.

The B.D. isn't limited to preemption, there are other parts. Some that McCain is against. Bush's version of multilateralism isn't what McCain is looking for.

I think Palin was genuinely trying to pull out of him what he was trying to get.

Also, working politicians hardly ever refer to PolSci concepts in office or during candidacy, they are trying to win office and sounding like a teacher won't get them votes. This is Obama's flaw sometimes, especially when he talks about foreign policy.


Edit: McCain, Biden, and Bush probably would give a similar response.  Obama and Cheney probably would have given a long answer.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.