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I am an International Politics student. As my Republican friend says all too often, "Bush Doctrine: You better not try to kill my pappy"

(That is a true story)

Doctrine (when referring to a president) is basically the combination of actions and speeches of a president that represents a shift in policy execution.

The Monroe Doctrine set the U.S. on a course of controlling/protecting/leading the western hemisphere from European colonial powers, urging democracy and self governance - as long is it is in line with U.S. policy. This is the most famous "Doctrine"

As commander and chief, Bush change the executive role from the Clinton/Bush(42) Doctrine of law enforcement focus on terrorism and stabilizing the post-Soviet world to a primarily military reaction to terrorism and solidify ties with ex-Soviet nations.

It's really not that big of a deal. I don't like Palin but the fact that she at least uses big words makes me feel a little more comfortable with the idea of her potentially stepping in as president. Even if she knew nothing about foreign policy 2 weeks ago, she is definitely intelligent and a fast learner.

The video doesn't seem to make it out like she doesn't know what it is.  She's just was trying to get more out of the question. (Edit: Oh and the interviewers definition is wrong a very narrow definition)

Still voting for Obama though.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.