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I just got back from our Gamestop Manager Conference and let me tell you many of my fellow managers were like me unsure of LBP until Sony of course had presentation and playable demos at our expo and all I can say is WOW!  most of Gamestop managers are xbots fans (no need to deny) and had many of them saying "damn i will need to buy a ps3 now".

There is another thread about Fable 2 (which looks awesome too) vs LBP in sales and I will have to say that LBP in the long run will sell more copies than Fable although the first 1-2 months Fable will have more units sold since the install  base in NA is larger , once word of mouth gets out there LBP seems poised to have long legs...there is no denying that LBP= little big deal .


LBP= 5 million LTD

Fable = 3.5 million LTD is what I predict