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OP said:
I bucked the trend in saying Wii would be a major success, I bucked the trend saying Wii Fit would be bigger than GTA IV (and it will) and I am again bucking the trend and predicting that Wii Music will be a (relative) flop compared to GH and RB or Wii Fit and Wii Play unless there is more to it than meets the eye (no Transformer pun intended)

I hope wii music is a success; so that you can understand how I feel about every wii game out there.

I hate to be so direct, and I am not judging you or trying to convince you of anything.

But just watch the "mass market" gobble this game up without thinking twice... or at all.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.