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vaio said:

I know exacly what it used to say in every instruction book from games they all had your version of it printed in them. We used to use them in school to discuss the difference in our countries in regard to copyright laws and how much power the companies are allowed to have in the US over the consumer and our teacher was an american so I think I got enough covered to be able to discuss with you.

PS. I used the words used to  because now days the have changed the manualls and they instead include the laws of the specific countries in EU.


 I have said this at least two other times now so I am getting a little frustrated with you. Those are often not legal contracts. They are not always supported by actual US laws. Fair Use allows us to do everything you said we could not do. I am not trying to be an ass about this but when you say your laws are more lax because they allow you to do some of the exact same things you can do in the US then you clearly don't have all the information. In principle you are right in that European laws allow for much greater freedom on the end user in a lot of ways. The problem is you keep citing wrong examples of it.


You are right but only if you distribute in a large scale enough to actually cause a pontentiall loss of sales and as long as you don´t do it in that big scale and keep it to friends/neigbours/family the laws are not applicable to you as it goes under private use.

When you buy a movie here they actually roll the laws that are in effect here before the movie and they clearly state that I can only make a copy for privat use and not for public use and monetary use. i am not allowed to play the movie in a public place or in a public place for monetary use but I am allowed to invite as many people I want to my house for a viewing of the movie or borrowing it to any one I want just as long as I don´t have a monetary gain from it.

 This is essentially true in the US as well. The laws are worded much more harshly than they can be enforced. Everything in this post is true in the US. Fair Use laws are slightly eroded but still on the books meaning you can still fight anyone attempting to claim damages over an action that is covered by Fair Use.

Thats what I meant when I said they are essentially unenforced. The laws only exist on paper for the most part. It is getting better as more pressure is put on China, but it is still terrible currently.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229