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Gnizmo said:
CrazzyMan said:
The laws we have prevents you from trying to make money on the intelectual property and specificly intended to stop bigscale copyright infringment not personal copies.

Yeah, making money on someone`s intellectual property is called piracy in my country too.
Copying/Sharing - NOT.

 Lithuania has laws that provide for compensation for lost sales due to an infringement of a copyright. Copying the game and distributing it freely can be construed (and rightly so) as causing a loss of sales and thus make you vulnerable to legal action. In your country copying and sharing the game is very much illegal and would be equivalent to what we call piracy.


 You are right but only if you distribute in a large scale enough to actually cause a pontentiall loss of sales and as long as you don´t do it in that big scale and keep it to friends/neigbours/family the laws are not applicable to you as it goes under private use.

When you buy a movie here they actually roll the laws that are in effect here before the movie and they clearly state that I can only make a copy for privat use and not for public use and monetary use. i am not allowed to play the movie in a public place or in a public place for monetary use but I am allowed to invite as many people I want to my house for a viewing of the movie or borrowing it to any one I want just as long as I don´t have a monetary gain from it.


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"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.