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vaio said: 

 Well it´s within your right to care more about a companies right to make more money then your own right to do what you want with a property you bought and own. Your laws (germany and france those are the major countries that are harsh) about a bought game are very similar to the rights you have to rentals here.

You just have to accept that your way isn´t nececary the right way (neither is ours) and your laws aren´t the final word other then your country. We have laws that protect our right to own what we bought and you have to accept that.

Maybe in the future we will get your kind of laws or you will get ours but untill then acceptanc of eachothers difference is the only key.

Didn´t want to start a disscusion but I thought that if you were aware of the difference in your countries then maybe this wouldn´t get out of hand which I am afraid it will.

 I wonder if you know much about what the laws actually entitle you to here. Fair use allows for a lot of really open use that companies attempt to restrictsuch as the ability to create back-ups and play them instead of the original. Technically speaking downloading a game off the internet that you have bought is entirely legal in the US. I am dead serious when I say most American eulas are not actulally legal in America.

 I also don't see how thinking a company should be paid for their work is such a terrible thing. Would you willingly work for free for your bosses friend because your boss has paid you? Why do you think developers should? I am not for the route the developers are taking which often massively over steps their legal right but why wouldn't you support someone providing you entertainment? They need that funding to provide you with more entertainment!

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229