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makingmusic476 said:

Layering?  I'm sure this is an extremely noobish thing to ask, but isn't that just about all you in FL?  Take a melody, place a harmony over it, a drum track, etc.

Btw, in the basic version, can you mess around with effects and stuff, or do I have to "buy" some more software.  I've only managed to use some effeects (some crazy reverb stuff) once, and when I tried to save it, it said I couldn't save the track because that part of the software was just a demo.

I'm not even sure how I got there, either. 

And I'm sure you have no clue what I'm talking about, because I have no clue how to explain it, haha.

Haha well you're right, it IS all layering, but there's a specific technique that allows you to add several intstruments together into one midi controlled track. Like you can set up note ranges on your keyboard controller so that say the lower half covers 2 octaves of one synth, the middle has 2 octaves of another synth, and then the high end of the keyboard has a 3rd synth. easy to play multiple synths at once. Also, you can just assign several synths to the same exact notes, so by one key on the keyboard, you are actually playing 2 or more synths combined together to make a really SICK sound.

As for the demo stuff, yes there's a lot that's demo mode only. I live for Sytrus. It is awesome. There are several effects are included with FL Studio, mostly like the FL reverd, FL Delay, basically anything FL. Another good one is the Buzz Effect channel. Some sick chorus/flange/delay options in there. I love dropping the Panzer Delay on "Cool delay" on my snares. Really cook Linkin Parkish sounding snare delays. If you roll over to , thats my band. All tracks were composed and recorded in FL Studio. Guitar, vocal and bass parts were recorded as live audio. All drums and synths are generated from FL Studio. Most of the synth stuff, like 99.9%, is Sytrus (FL Studio Plugin)

I hate how you get to mes with some awesome synths, create something cool and then it tells you its deleting it when you save. I found a workaround to that if you don' t have the bucks for the plugins. Right click the track in the pattern editor of the synth pattern you made. Select copy. Create a new instrument in the list, like a basic snare or whatever. Paste the note info you just copied. This note info will save. Next time you want to load or play the song, find the synth that you were using, add it in, copy the note info from that instrument track you made, and then copy it back onto the synth instrument line.  Alternatively, select the synth track you are working with. When you left click it, a box comes up. In the top right corner theres a box with a number. Set this to 1 or 2, or whatever number you want. Route your audio card to record on itself in the audio settings in the mixer window (top right is input bottom right is output). Arm the song to record.  hit play, it will record any audio coming into the card, including your synth line. Save your synth line as a wav file, and use it as a wav loop from there on.

I hope I didnt go too techhie there. Let me know if you need clarification. =)