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bardicverse said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
A developer of vaporware has nothing to boast about and even less advice to give to "young devs."

It sounds harsh but try to get something worthwhile on your resume before giving advice to others.

I've aready been on a published title, or did you skim past that part? I wouldn't consider a project in development for less than 5 years vaporware. Its the 5 year deadline that looms at the point of "ok, where is this game?" Read Duke Nukem Forever.


If you read correctly, my advice was from experiences, and not all positive ones. Some people can benefit and learn from the mistakes of others. So, while your goal is to try to tear into me for whatever reason, you only further promote my point. There are much easier ways to get to the end goal than I have. I didn't say anywhere "If you want to be successful like me..." I'm still travelling on the road, I'm just warning people on the road behind me where the speed traps are. =)

I saw only that speed bump of a title World Fables which you didn't publish but merely worked on (which didn't even register enough on the radar to get its own gamefaqs page).  If you made a real title and I somehow missed it in your OP I do apologize, please highlight it for me.  ^_^

When someone from Valve, Blizzard, or Bioware talks, I will listen.  I will listen as those companies have an extensive list of great games because they know what they're doing and they're awesome at it.  When someone who has worked on essentially nothing but a minor title I've never heard of that isn't even on par with the likes of Cute Knight tries to give advice, it feels... hollow.

I wish you luck.  I hope you can come back in 5 years and say "Haha!  Look at me now."  You're not there yet so focus on that and, if you're really awesome, your work will do your talking for you.