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Holy crap my thread became a Maelstrom discussion?! LOL That's hilarious.

@yushire - Yeah, I'm with skyrender and vaio on this one. While I think Nintendo missed the mark somewhat with Wii Music they know what they are doing and that's taking the market back from the minority core gamers who always want more graphics, more violence, more complexity and bringing it back to the masses like in the days of pac-man and donkey kong.

@xen - I don't think core games are going anywhere. Companies like Epic and Rockstar make too much money on that market and won't leave it. They'll stick to what they know. And EA, Ubisoft, Activision, etc will continue to support that market too. What will happen is a gradual increase in the overall size of the game market and more games will be made and sold than ever before.  Games for all tastes and type.