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The success of Wii Music will depend on how many people there are out there who want to make music, but don't want to actually learn how to play an instrument. And I have this nagging suspicion that quite a few people out there fall into that category. I certainly know a lot of people who enjoy the idea of making music, but can't be bothered to actually take lessons.

And yeah, Guitar Hero is already out there, but you still have to learn how to play that. It's not a huge learning curve, as I understand it, but it's still more than many people will tolerate. There's nothing intuitive about it; if anything, it's less intuitive than DDR, the game that it more or less transplants into keyboard form, since there's nothing natural about hitting colored buttons to play guitar while there is something natural about moving your feet in given directions to dance.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.