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I am appalled at these responses. People are, "annoyed" by having to swap disk? Man, I enjoy getting to a good plot, only to have it thickened by a disk swap intermission. It gave me a chance to reflect (as long as I needed) and it kept me immersed. There is something thrilling about the disk swap that cannot be replaced. I remember Star Ocean the second story so vividly because at key moments, I had a chance to talk with my brother about what we just saw, what we thought would happen next, and if the next disk will be as long as the previous disk.

To me, disk swapping is magical when used properly.

On thee other hand, installs are not bad either. They can help stability in graphic engines, speed game play, and reduce load times. I like all of those benefits as much as I love thee intensity of a well timed disk swap.

Both suck? No, no! Both are great. Both have great upside. I am a little shocked at all of the poor attitude about two things that are trivial and not necessarily negative. Wow gamers. I frown upon you all with moonlight!

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