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If push comes to shove in regards to the DRM vs. piracy dilemna, retail distribution of hard media games will eventually trickle down to nothing in the not too distant future.


- DRM becomes so draconian (severely limited installs) and inconvenient for the average buyer/user that the only people who will still put up with the hassle of retail hard media will be those without network accounts (vanishing demographic in PC gaming) who can only play a game if it's distributed by hard media bought through retail.


- DRM is dropped (acknowledging that it doesn't stop soft crackers and freeloaders from stealing) and hard media distribution for PC games is stopped almost completely.

No more PC games on disc. No DRM installation tracking or disc keys needed. All games will be tied to individual user accounts (not individual hard drives or computers).

Direct to Drive, Steam or similar digital distribution methods only.

That would mean find a way to hack secured digital distribution servers and then find a way to create fake user accounts if you are that dedicated to piracy, or just PAY for your games like everyone who actively supports the industry.