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BenKenobi88 said:
You guys all make valid points, but you can't just ignore the piracy issue. From a company's standpoint, should you just completely open up your game to pirates?

I know the Sins of a Solar Empire people did it, and their game sold well I believe.

I'm not saying developers should do the same, but it could this what you all think they should do? This kind of DRM is crap, but shouldn't there be some protection? This is not like using a car 3 times or a book 3 can't download a car off the internet like so many people download games these days.

 While I am loathe to say it, I would say in-game advertising is a better way of going imo. I can't say I have a better system currently than DRM really which is why I do not go harshly against it. I just see it as a piss poor stop gap.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229