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My problem with copyright protection is that it comes back to bite you (the customer) in the ass long after the game's worthless. Remember all those damn keycodes games like Starcraft and C&C came with? Wasn't it fun when you wanted to go back and play the game 5 years later but had tossed/lost the case or insert? Now you've got a completely legit copy of the game but can't play it yet at the same time the game is now worthless so the copyright protection isn't really doing them any good.

With DRM it gets even worse, sometimes it's NICE to uninstall game when you want to free up some hard drive space, some of us upgrade computers every couple years or have hard drives fail or would like to play the game on both our home PC and laptops without buying multiple copies of a game. If DRM with 3 installs was used on Star Craft I'd be on my 3rd copy by now.

I'd be much more in favor of DRM if they put a time limit on it, limit 3 installs for the first 2 years then drop the install cap when no one is really buying it anymore.