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Don't even get me started on Sony's Rootkit. This is DRM to the extreme, but the bottom line is that it was illegal and should've never been implemented.

To the person who said you never "own" a song, movie, etc: No one in their right mind would ever claim things like royalties or anything if they had nothing to do with it, but here's the deal, if I pay $15 for a CD, or a DVD, I damn well better be able to listen to or watch it whenever and wherever I want to. I should not be limited by the number of CD players or DVD players I can use to play said media.

The more rights we let these companies take from us, the more they'll want. This will continue to the point where they can restrict how long we can play a game before they deactivate it (DRM server "crashes" anyone?) or even further than that.


Currently playing: Civ 6