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Lem_Nx said:

I find the argument that DRM is redundant and a nuisance to the average user valid... but I feel the need to use a sarcastic analogy. Please be assured I understand the analogy is flawed.

My prescription medicine can only be legally used by me and is only good for three refills before I ask the doctor for a renewal.

That is BS, I was prescribed the pills and paid good money to the doctor! I should be able to get a refill as many times as I want! I bought it, it should be mine! I have the right to do whatever I want with the drugs. Now I am angry so I am going to go buy some drugs off the street or just not get the medicine at all! We should remove drug regulation!

Doctor = Game company                                                                    

Medicine = game                                                                            

refill = reinstall 

Renewal = Asking Customer Service            

Illegal drugs = Piracy


I know that was a HORRENDOUSLY sarcastic analogy, (and much more serious than simple game DRM) but it works for me. The drug laws prevent people from abusing medication. This works in the same way DRM prevents people from pirating. Of course pirates will get the game anyway. But it is the exact same for the medication. There are still drug dealers out there but not as much as if we had no laws. Same with piracy.

I think a better analogy that would fit better would be something more along the lines of me buying a well.  You dig the well, you then buy a water pump for your well.  The water pump is from the "game company", and you install the water pump into the ground.  So if this well dries up, you dig a new well, but the water pump manufacturer restricts you from reinstalling the pump in the new well.  In this case you have the game company (water pump manufacturer), the usable product (water), piracy (selling your water to others) and a restriction of use by a company (reinstalling water pump in new well).

Although this analogy has a flaw in it, but I think it more correctly shows the DRM install situation.