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My issue with DRM is that it in my opinion it over restricts the honest person in a redundant attempt to dissuade the dishonest.

To me its like the annoying warning at the beginning of a DVD... if I'm not going to copy it then I don't need the warning. If I am going to copy it I'm clearly going to ignore the warning.

At the end of the day the kind of restricts this level of DRM imposes (when compared to say your freedom when you purchase a CD or a DVD) seems very out of balance to me.

I have never pirated nor will I. But I really doubt DRM does much to stop it and if you extrapolate from current trends regarding backlash then titles with heavy DRM are very likely to see legitimate sales reduced (in addition to being pirated anyway) - i.e. the net effect of such DRM will be negative for the title in question.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...