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For me it is a matter of a principle. DRM doesnt stop pirates at all, if you dont believe me then i suggest google spore torrent and see that spore has been leaked online days before its release free of any DRM.

DRM doesnt provide any additional protection against piracy because if somebody wants to play the game offline they will be able to do it easily, and if you want to play a game online then you better have a cd-key. Hell, old games like Starcraft are still impossible to play on unless you have a valid cd-key.

Lastly, DRM is just a way for companies like EA to take control of our PCs, I remember FEAR had DRM that would prevent you from playing the game if you had more than one cd-rom or had daemon tools installed. Who in the hell gives these companies the right to decide what I can have on my PC or not?

Right now many developers are testing the waters with DRM and we should not let them get away with it. I know twestern you would love to make people install programs that would blow up their PCs but the ones who are affected are always paying customers rather than pirates.

Proud owner of the following gaming devices:

PC, XBox 360, Wii, PS2, DS, PS3