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Quantum Tarantino said: CRT has an infinitely better picture than even the best 1080P LCD.
Well "infinitely" is a bit exagerated. LCDs have their biggest problems with colors,and the need to interpolate a disturbed iunterlaced SD image to a clean looking progressive HD picture. In all geometry parameters CRTs do not have a chance against a LCD or Plasma TV. Even more importantly they are in steady development. While the differences are no longer as big as one year ago (even cheaper displays totally overwhelmed Displays of the previous generation but they still get with every generation improvements, that the CRTs have not seen in years. I just had to exchange an old CRT with an LCD. In fact the normal TV image has improved considerably, the image of an older VCR is OK the image of an older DVD player had some problems but a newer Player connected with a HDMI connection is simply the best image I Have ever seen from a DVD (after some adjustments). So it is not as easy as you might think.