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Capcom’s Resident Evil 5 hasn’t even got a release date, but it’ s already drawn the ire of a blog devoted to African women.

Black Looks calls into question the game’s setting as depicted in the trailer, first shown at this year’s E3 in Santa Monica:

The new Resident Evil video game depicts a white man in what appears to be Africa killing Black people. The Black people are supposed to be zombies and the white man’s job is to destroy them and save humanity…

This is problematic on so many levels, including the depiction of Black people as inhuman savages, the killing of Black people by a white man in military clothing, and the fact that this video game is marketed to children and young adults. Start them young… fearing, hating, and destroying Black people.

The point has been made by some gamers as well. In fact, GamePolitics reader Quad9Damage raised the same issue in a letter to GP just the other day.

If this was any other place in the world it would be a total non issue. I can't believe how much ruckus people can make over something so insignificant.

Do the people who run that blog even know that the people making the game are Japanese and are not even white? How they can jump to this conclusion is beyond me. I guess it's time for Capcom to discover a new back RE 5 main character totally out of nowhere lol...

So sad.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!