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They are failing to deliver on what they have promised. And they are ruininng their existing franchises by putting out crap.

Now don't get me wrong, I love the WII, I love the VC games and I love many of the current WII titles and I love the Backwwards compat to my library of gamecube games.

But wasn't "WII" supposed to be about playing together?

One game I was insanely excited about for the WII was the new Wario Ware title. Wario Ware for the Game Cube was a fantastic party game.

But for some reason, the wii version only lets you use one remote, so multiplayer is multiple people taking turns. Totally ruined the game. Not to mention you can't even play multiplayer mode until you've played single player for at least an hour?

I love my WII, but the games I was really counting on to be major hits on the wii have been majorly disapointing.

The only multiplayer WII games I can think of that really take advantage of the WII mote and of multiple people playing together is Ravings Rabids I and II. Mario party 8.... although the game itself is not great compared to previous mario parties (most notably Mario party 6, my personal favorite). and Mario Kart WII, Boom Blox, Sonic and Mario at the olympics.... which was ok at best, Carnival.... uh.. yah that was a waste of money. And that's it?

Edit (Thnx Zucas): Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and Super Smash Bros Brawl

I see no reason for Nintendo to worry about what MS or Sony is doing... from what I can tell they don't care at all anyhow. But they really need to look at making more multiplayer-simultaneous play games.

Anyone else disapointed?

Or are there more quality multiplayer games that I am missing out on?

PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

WII friend Code: 0002 7972 4522 2681