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CGI-Quality said:
Onimusha12 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Chrizum said:
Honestly? Sony. I know I will get attacked by all the Sony fanboys now, but this generation has been good to both Nintendo and Microsoft, but not for Sony.

I'd say, Sony: screw the PS3. It failed. It will never make back the money you invested in it, so start over with a blank sheet and fix all your errors with a new console. You'll be the first in the next generation, which is a great advantage to have. When does Sony need to release the PS4? I'd say around August 2011.

However, I think Microsoft will be the first with a new console (probably somewhere in 2011, followed by Sony and Nintendo in 2012).


PS3 failed? Wow that's news to me.


  The PS3 has been nothing but an embarassment to Sony. The creator was forced to step down shortly after its launch. Six-Axis, Dualshock 3, PS-EYE, their new motion controller and backwards Compatibility have all been embarasments for the console. It's lost them more money than the PS2 and PS1 ever made in profits. They've lost numerous exclusives (Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, Grand Theft Auto, Silent Hill, and so forth, so forth and so forth). They're the only company who has not gained ground in the market this generation, in fact this is the single greatest fall we've ever seen for a company from one generation to the next.

If the PS3 isn't a failure then I'm not sure I like the new definition of success.

Uuh first of all Silent Hill, and GTA were multiplat last gen, even if GTA was timed exclusive it was still multiplat. Second of all how are the Dualshock 3, and PSEYE embarassments? Also, not only did Blu-ray win the format war, but PS3 has been outselling 360 most of 2008. Plus you said the PS3 isn't gaining any ground LOL are you kidding me? Now what would you call a console that has a 33% FAILURE rate (THE HIGHEST IN HISTORY BY THE WAY) - a non embarassment? Yes Sony took some SERIOUS blows this gen - that I do agree with, however the PS3 has not been a failure for Sony. It's doing better now despite it's early shortcomings and, as I have already stated, has won the HD Format War which means - Blu-ray sales=money in Sony's pocket, therefore dismissing the idea of it being a failure.


Dualshock 3 wasn't originally included because of Six-Axis, then when it was included was just a copy and pasted version of Dualshock 2 and not made standard with SKUs.

PS-EYE has sold poorly and its implementation is a joke. I'm sorry, the thing is a bigger laugh than the Eye-Toy.

The PS3 is only gaining ground against itself, not the legacy of the PS1 or PS2, that was the point. Everyone else this generation is taking their stake in the market further, meanwhile the PS3 will never regain the market share the PS1 or PS2 had. No matter what the PS3 does, MS and Nintendo will have greatly furthered their markets this generation where as Sony will never be able to recoup from their fall.

Blu-Ray is not doing that hot, it's not doing bad either, but its adoption rate is stagnating and promises of new formats just five years over the horizon combined with poor HD TV adoption rates has many people quesitoning it's value. I'm so glad Playstation fans are willing to sacrifice games, quality and affordability to support Blu-Ray.