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Ratchet & Clank PS3 - This is the best platformer this generation has. Amazing gameplay and it offers a pixar-style experince unlike anything we've ever seen this genre. It's the only platformer you play that's truly next-gen. Yet, the game couldn't even get 90%.

Ninja Gaiden 2 - This is one of the best action game ever, and this was acknowledged in the games reviews. Gamestop even says this is the best action game on the platform. However, the actual scores the game got does not show that at all. If Ninja Gaiden Black is a 95% game, this HAS to be more than an 80% game.

Super Paper Mario - This is one of the best games on Wii. I even thought it was better than Mario Galaxy. I'm not seeing why this game is rarely talked about as one of the Wii's best.

That's it for now.