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Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Devil Digital Saga 1 & 2. On metacritic, they have an 82, 78, and 82 respectively. The DDS games deserve at least an 87 while Nocturne deserves a 90.

All of them have an awesome story. Some of the best in JRPGs. The battle system is simple, but fun to use. You really need to strategize and plan out your moves in order to win most of the time. Don't expect to use attack all the time. The characters in DDS are rich in personality. In Nocturne, you had lots of freedom and choices. You get to choose what group you want to join, and you convince what demons you want to join your party. Every decision you make affects the ending. There are six different endings in Nocturne. You choose whether you want to save or destroy the city. It's a life altering experience.