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"Sony is making massive losses on the PS3, and so it cannot bring the price down. All the company has been able to do recently is pass on lower hard drive prices by giving customers bigger drives at the same price. As the PS3 and the Xbox 360 are very similar in their capabilities Sony will now lose a huge number of potential sales to the Xbox 360." = Somewhat true, but red ring,no blu-ray,noisy as my cat,online costs.
"The Wii is going to have a very short production life, perhaps four years, before it is replaced by a SuperWii that will correct its weaknesses. " Maybe..

"Nintendo has no chance here... with the Wii, who would want a non HD console built into their HDTV?" Well, not all people buy HDTV just for consoles.

"Microsoft has now made the Xbox 360 commercially viable in Japan by creating the games that the Japanese want." True.

Everything, I mean everything else is just childisch,stupid,fanboysmin, "I see where my dick points" type.

Well I coulndt say enything bad that hasnt been said so I picked some good points.



Take my love, take my land..