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Didn't the Gamecube Animal Crossing just sell 3 million or so? 5 million seems a bit high. Maybe the social aspect will really ramp up sales, but I can remember trying it on the Gamecube and having no idea at all what the big deal is. If I wanted to play a game like that the Sims and the Sims 2 are infinitely better (and MMOs for social gaming). It did come after I had stopped really clicking with most Nintendo games though, so maybe it is super awesome and I just didn't see it.

I really don't see any way that Animal crossing will be better or sell better then Little Big Planet. I think LBP will really be a seachange not only for the PS3 but gaming in general. I mean maybe it won't live up to the hype, but every preview I've read has been glowing and it was a blast to play when I tried the demo out at the SD convention. I just REALLY hope that it has online coop where you can have 1-2 people playing on the console and then the rest playing remotely. It was way better playing with at least one other person (it has a GREAT semi competitive semi cooperative balance) then playing alone. The puzzles that take more then one person to solve were awesome.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me