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I DLed the game last night. Logged on this morning. It crashed once due to some really bad graphic issue... but no biggy.
I move to Tribal and it completely locks up on me. Log out, try again... still locked up. I would put the bug as a major bug.

Now with that said... I did not expect anything less.
Those whining and crying are relatively new to gaming. I am sure some young gun is going to throw up some history to debunct my statement but the reality is when you write hours upon hours of code for a game that will be played over a number of system set ups... guess what.... things happen.

I know the bugs I have encountered are completely recoverable... not necessarily today... but relatively quick.

So... put down the class action law suit... open your window and learn there is a world out there and when you are perfect every time... then you can open your mouth.

Reality folks... it happens.