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"People expect OMG HUGE Wii games from SE when they take 2-3 years to develop for the Wii and the Wii hasn't even been out...two"

See that's the thing. The PS3 and Wii haven't even been out two years yet and you have all these Wii fans saying that this console generation's victor has already been determined. Sure, the Wii has a big lead now, but at one point in time the Genesis had a big lead over the SNES too, and I don't remember seeing that hold out to the end of the 16 bit era do you? At this year's E3 Nintendo didn't unveil any great games. Can anyone show me any respectable press outlet that says, "Nintendo blew everybody away with the games they unveiled at E3 this summer Animal Crossing and Wii Music are going to be the two biggest games of the end of the year?" Most websites said that either the 360 or PS3 won E3. And recently, the PS3 has had both better games and better sales announced. As a matter of fact just yesterday, a report appeared here on VGChartz that said that both the 360's and Wii's (to a lesser degree) sales are down from this time last year while the PS3's sales are up 77% from last year. Compared to other third place consoles like the Saturn or Turbografx-16, the PS3 is looking like the winner of this console generation, and if there has ever been a console capable of coming back from a 15 million unit lead for the opposition, it would be a console designed by Sony.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.