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Pristine20 said:
Dno said:
doesnt matter this game will be..... no IT IS the best fighting game on the planet and wahtever they add or subtract will not change that.


i wish they would put every character in it like Mideway did with MK:A


 Trust me, you don't want that. It leads to underdeveloped characters with wishy-washy moves and tons of repetitive animations shared by all. There were oly about three combo animations/button presses for all the characters in MK:A

how many characters in MK:A? 50 or 60? Marvel vs capcom had that many lol.

Just erase the Marvel part and put all capcom and you got it!!!!!

But yea i soooo  know what u mean. Some characters (like in MVC2) will be super strong and others will suck. But its a Fighting gamers dream to have M.bison Vs Gill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




In capcom fighting evo u had bison vs Urein but thats not the same!!!!!