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Well "VR" has been around for awhile. It's nothing like one pictures from the movies though.

I played MechWarrior as a kid in a "VR" center in California on a vacation trip. Essentially, it was only a sit in arcade cabinet with full blown controls. We've basically seen the equivalent already to that with the likes of Steel Battalion.

Of course technology has improved, but "VR" is still nothing more than a very detailed arcade simulator. So I don't see consoles attempting anything more than what is already happening.

Actually I think Wii has made a huge step in the direction for simulation styled VR games as it is. Having a major console support so many functions and possibilities with its controller was very ballsy on Nintendo's part. Most of this has been going on in arcades for years, but I think it will only be more refined and allow for more people to enjoy what many have missed out on. I for one am happy and pleased to see this.

I'm not one for really trying to make anything out of my divining cup. I use mine mostly for drinking these days, but I personally hope gaming keeps pushing the envelope, but I think we will see a very conservative evolution of gaming. The Wiimote was a very calculated risk. It's on a level that I think we won't see much of, although certainly it will cause a ripple effect and we will see reaction from Sony and MS as a result of it.

"There are three types of lies : Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli ( Made famous by Mark Twain )

PSN ID: DeviantPathways

Wii Number: 0081 3044 1559 2355