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Paul_Warren said:

"Also if all they care about is money why put kingdom hearts game on the psp...."

The reason they put Agito and the new Kingdom Hearts game on the PSP is because they perceive the PSP to be a much more advanced system and much more suitable for their new cutting edge games than the DS which they are relegating to remakes and rereleases of SNES era games and their upcoming Kingdom Hearts Zelda: The Four Swords type game. And they do perceive the PSP to rightly be these things as just a casual glance at Resistance Retribution makes it look like a miniature version of Gears of War.  Man, Millennium, I wish Christmas 2010 would hurry up and get here.

I hope you aren't serious. IF so the DS is getting/got a MAIN SERIES dragon quest(their second largest series, and largest in Japan), Valkyrie Profile The Accused one, Sigma Haromonics, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 which isn't only multiplayer focused,FFCC:RoF, FFTA2, The World Ends With You, Revenent Wings,etc. These are all NEW games. While there are alot of remakes and ports, there is also a good number of new games, and alot of them are good. Also those SNES era games beat the crap out of most things put out by square since, and chrono trigger is even my favorite rpg, and beats the crap out of "EVERYTHING" square has put out imo. So please don't try to downplay the DS' support. As for having Agito, and KH on the PSP, we already are seeing PSP sales increasing in Hardware, and somewhat in software, so obviously they are going to support it right now, I don't think it has anything to do with the systems power.