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"And frankly, the writing is on the wall for Kingdom Hearts. It's obvious to pretty much everyone that Square-Enix would make more money on that franchise if it appeared on the Wii. The "existing fanbase" would be a drop in the Blue Ocean, especially seeing as many of them have jumped ship to other consoles already: S-E wouldn't even have to sacrifice much of the existing fanbase at all. They know this, and so does Disney. Sony frankly cannot afford to moneyhat the game enough to counter this."

How have rpgs done so far on the Wii especially in comparison to how they have done on the PS2?  All these people that have purchased a Wii for Wii Sports and Wii Fit are no more likely to buy KH III than are 360 shooter fans.


Sony knows that its fans will buy this game if it is on the PS3 and speaking as a longtime Square Enix and Sony fan, if they move the game to Wii, then I'm not going to buy it, so I guess they can scratch me off as one potential customer that they're going to lose by making the switch and I predict that I am far from the only longtime fan of the series that they would also lose by moving it to Wii. So, the question becomes alienate your longtime fans whom you know will buy the game on the PS3 and want the game with much better visuals, etc, than were possible in the previous gen; or move it on to the Wii a system whose graphics capabilities aren't so far evolved, where you know the game wouldn't have as much pep as would be possible on the PS3, and try to establish a new fan base to purchase the game and hope that it really wants the game as much as your old fanbase for the game.

They could move it to the Wii and make it exclusive, but doing so really is no guarantee of increasing the game's sales.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.